Top 12 Incredible Health Benefits of Tomatoes? ~ follow trends

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Top 12 Incredible Health Benefits of Tomatoes?

What are the Health Benefits of Tomato?

A fruit that is generally considered as a vegetable. Tomato is packed with countless health benefits.
In fact, they astonishingly can do wonder for your overall health and use an endless number of dishes, such as pizzas, pasta, ketchup, burgers, etc,

and also great to eat alone. Tomato is full of health-boosting properties, read more to find how this marvelous tomato can enhance your health.


Tomatoes are loaded with natural minerals and vitamins, including Vitamin A, B1, B3, B5, B6, B7, Vitamin C and K. This superfood contains Iron, choline, potassium, phosphorus, and zinc. Tomatoes are soft, round and have red-pinkish flesh and have tiny little seeds with a slightly sweet taste. Regular consumption of tomatoes makes stronger and protects you from various health problems. Health benefits of tomato are endless, Improve Digestion, help to reduce the risk of diabetes, help to prevent anemia too. Also, escalating blood circulation in the body, reduce inflammation, help in lowering cholesterol levels and protect the kidney. A large number of antioxidants present in tomatoes which fight various types of cancer. Tomatoes are grown all over the world but today, India is the largest producer of tomatoes. Let’s find why they are such a great fruit item for human health.

Good for Bones

Tomatoes are loaded with calcium and vitamin K. well, both these nutrients are extremely required for performing and strengthening the bone tissue, and in bone repairing. A Hundred grams of tomatoes has 110 gm of calcium. Eat more tomato to make your bones stay strong and healthy.

Benefits of Tomato for Anemia

The tomato has abundances of nutrients such as vitamin A, C, K, B1, B2, B3 and B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, and potassium, etc. tomato is useful in enhancing and strengthening the overall health of the body and is also one affordable means to treat anemia. It enriched with iron which raises the amount of blood hemoglobin and also increases the formation of red blood cells

Great Antioxidant

Tomatoes are a great source of Vitamin A and vitamin C. These vitamins and beta-carotene
present in tomatoes works as antioxidants which help the body to eliminate harmful free radicals in our blood.
Free radicals in the bloodstream are vicious for your health because they may lead to cell damage.
Red tomato contains more beta-carotene, so eat more red tomato. Remember, Vitamin C absorbs into our body when we eat the raw tomato. To get all and more benefits from tomatoes, it should be eaten raw because cooking destroys the vitamin C present in it.

Help your Heart

The Vitamins, choline, fiber and potassium content in tomatoes maintain heart health. Higher intake of potassium, along with a low intake of sodium is the most valuable dietary change that a normal person can make to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Vitamin B and potassium present in tomatoes are helpful in lower cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure. Hence by
adding tomatoes in your daily diet, you may prevent yourself from strokes, heart attacks and many other heart-related problems that may be hazardous for your heart health.

Control of Diabetes

Tomatoes are loaded with precious minerals called chromium. It works significantly to help diabetics maintain their sugar levels under control. It is a great fruit to add in your diet,  for those who have diabetes. So start eating tomato as much as you can.

Help in Digestion

One can prevent gastrointestinal issues by eating tomatoes daily. Tomatoes help to improve the digestive system and liver. Tomatoes loaded with fiber, which can bulk the bowels, regulate your bowel movement and make it easy to pass which helps prevents constipation. By eating tomatoes the adequate amount you can improve your digestive health and protect yourself against health-related problems.

Boost Immunity

Highly rich in vitamin C, fresh tomato and its juice are splendid when it is about to boost your immunity levels. The vitamin present in it restricts and control the stress hormones, prevent you from fatigue and helps to make your body active, healthy and energetic.

Tomato Juice

Help in Weight Loss

Tomato helps to lower the amount of hazardous cholesterol in the body and helps to reduce weight and fight against obesity. Consuming food that is high in water content fiber, like tomato, can help you to hydrate and help to promote weight loss. Tomatoes stimulate the making of the amino acid called Carnitine, which is observed to improve the body’s fat-burning capability. So, therefore, if you want to lose weight this is the right time to include tomatoes in your diet.

Prevent Cancer

Tomatoes are an abundant source of antioxidants and vitamins. With these elements, tomatoes can fight the evolution of free radicals, these free radicals are reason to cause cancer. Lycopene is a natural antioxidant found in tomatoes which helps to control and reduce the growth of cancer cells, such as colorectal, prostate and stomach cancer. According to the recent studies diets that are rich in beta-carotene may safeguard you against prostate cancer and also reduce the risk of colon cancer. Consuming fiber from vegetables and fruits is connected to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Surprisingly production of lycopene is increased when tomatoes are cooked.

Good for your kidney

Regularly Eating tomatoes without seeds can help to lower the risk of kidney stones.

Good for Eyes

Vitamin A present in excellent for improving your vision and prevent macular degeneration and night blindness. Lycopene is good for our eyes which is found in tomato and that is not only protective nutrient, tomato also contains beta-carotene and lutein as well, and all these nutrients help to protect your vision. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that protects against eye problems including macular degeneration and cataracts. So, eat more and more tomatoes to protect your eyes from these eye problems.

What are the Health Benefits of Tomato Soup?

Tomato soup is not only delicious but also loaded with powerful nutrients that protect and safeguard you from health problems.

Tomato and Tomato Soup

Tomato soup offers numerous nutrients that are highly essential for health. each bowl of tomato soup has vitamins A, C, E, K, vital minerals and antioxidants that can help you to stay healthy and fit. It also gives you a great amount of potassium, vitamin A, C, K and fiber.selenium and copper are two vital nutrients present in tomato soup that have a range of tomato health benefits. All of these provide several benefits to our health such as

  • Nourishes muscles, blood vessels, and the thyroid gland
  •  Promote sperm development
  • keeps the nervous system healthy 
  •  Strengthens  bones
  •  Weight loss, 
  • Improve Blood circulation 
  • Prevent anemia 
  • Gives you Great skin
  •  Protect you against cancer and heart disease.

Amazing Benefits of Tomato for Skin

Tomatoes not only taste good but they also help to keep the skin healthy. tomato is rich with lycopene, which is an antioxidant and therefore acts as a sunscreen from within. This makes tomato an anti-aging agent as they help in fighting reddening of the skin and cellular damage. By eating a tomato in a good amount and applying fresh tomato paste or its juice directly on the face for a few minutes may lighten and brighten your complexion. Here are benefits of including tomatoes into your skincare

  • Help to remove dead skin cells
  • Prevent aging
  • Raising collagen production   
  • Moisturize skin
  • Can help fight cellular damage
  • Help to reduce the chances of sunburns.

Tomatoes have plenty of health benefits and also offer some benefits to your skin, but still, this is not for everyone. If you have sensitive skin or you are allergic to tomatoes then applying tomato juice directly on skin could cause a skin reaction such as rash, itching, redness. Make sure you are not allergic to tomatoes.

Side Effect of Eating Too Much Tomatoes

This red fruit offers numerous health benefits. But when consumed in excess can leads to certain side effects that are awful for your body. Overeating of this fruit can cause diarrhea, kidney stones, allergic reactions.


Just like deficiency of anything causes health issues to us, excess of anything also shows its side effects on human health. That's why we should always watch a balance of our intakes of everything.


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