What are the Health Benefits Of Eating Chikoo (Sapodilla)? ~ follow trends

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What are the Health Benefits Of Eating Chikoo (Sapodilla)?

Impressive Health Benefits of Chikoo to Include in your Diet?

Chikoo is also known as Sapodilla or sapota, In India, chikoo is grown in various states- Maharashtra, West Bengal, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and, Karnataka. But, It is abundantly grown in Karnataka.

Chikoo / Sapodilla Fruit

The fruit is a round or oval-shaped, has shiny black big seeds in the center. And, brown in color, exceptionally delicious flavour and sweet taste. The fruit is hard when unripe but soften when it ripe up, only the ripe fruit is eatable. This fruit cannot be cooked, or even used in salads. The best way to consume this fruit is by itself or can be taken as a smoothie blended with yogurt or milk. Chikoo is known for providing instant energy as Sapodilla is highly rich in fructose and sucrose and considered as natural energy boosting fruit. Chikoo is loaded with many essential nutrients, which is great for well being.

Chikoo has anti-inflammatory properties. In India, people used it for anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Moreover, Sapodilla is a high calorie fruit with low fat and zero cholesterol content and help to promote an active and healthy life. It works as a laxative to clear bowel movements due to its high dietary fiber content present in it, and also help to treat other digestive ailments, chikoo can protect you from day to day problems like common cold by boosting the immune system. Vitamin A present in Sapodilla helps in maintaining blood pressure, good for heart health, lower the effects of ageing by improving skin quality and improves eyesight. So, whenever it is available in the season we should eat chikoo/ sapodilla

Health Benefits Of Chikoo / Sapodilla

Here are the 10 reasons why you should Include this delicious tropical fruit.

How does Chikoo Provide Instant Energy?

The simple sugar fructose and sucrose content present in chikoo provide instant energy to your body. Chikoo is a rich source of minerals like iron, potassium, and copper. Also made up of folate and niacin acid, all these required to make your body energetic and powerful. So, next time when you feeling weakness eat chikoo, it replenishes you with energy and it is an extremely helpful athlete as they required lots of energy.

Helpful in Improve Digestion

As we all know that fiber rich fruit known as immensely good for digestion and help to promote healthy bowel movement. Chikoo is highly rich in dietary fiber, which works as an excellent way to clears the digestive tract, improve bowel movement and prevents constipation. The Fiber content in Sapodilla is extremely high, which makes this fruit great for digestion.

Is Chikoo is Excellent for Eyesight?

A large amount of Vitamin A present in chikoo, help in creating visual sensory cells. According to experts, Vitamin A is extremely great for improving eyesight. Thus, to get or maintain healthy eyesight  eat chikoo fruit.

Good Source of  Antioxidants

Apart from being rich in dietary fiber, Sapodilla or chikoo is a powerhouse of Vitamin A, C, and E all of these are essential for overall skin health. The presence of antioxidants in chikoo help in lowering wrinkles.

Does Sapodilla/Chikoo is Helpful to Prevent Cancer?

The antioxidants, nutrients and dietary fiber present in chikoo offer protection against cancer. Sapodilla is loaded with Vitamin A provides protects against lung and oral cavity cancers. Due to the high amount of dietary fiber content which helps to clean the digestive tract and safeguard the colon wall from dangerous cancer toxins. This makes chikoo able to prevent development of colon cancer.

What are the Benefit of Chikoo for Bone Health?

Chikoo is rich with various vital minerals like Calcium, Iron, zinc, and phosphorus. These all are greatly helpful in boosting and strengthening the health of your bones. Calcium is essential for the growth of bones, muscles and connective tissue. The deficiency of calcium increases the risk of osteoporosis, weak joints, muscle weakness, and bones becoming weaker.

Anti- Viral Anti- Bacterial

Chikoo contains tannin, a powerful antioxidant that makes chikoo or sapodilla an important anti-inflammatory. Tannins can protect you against various diseases and works as anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral. The anti-inflammatory properties of tannins found in chikoo reduce the chances of diseases like an annoying bowel movement, and gastric disorders.

Is Chikoo Prevent Iron Deficiency

Insufficient levels of essential minerals such as iron can cause serious health conditions like chronic fatigue and drowsiness. Regularly Consumption of chikoo or sapodilla promotes red blood cells and provides required levels of hemoglobin in proper sufficient manner.

What are the Health Benefits of Chikoo Fruit During Pregnancy?

The presence of high content of carbohydrates and vital nutrients and minerals such as iron, potassium, and copper makes chikoo extremely beneficial for lactating mothers and during pregnancy. It helps in reducing nausea, dizziness, and weakness. Folic acid found in sapodilla is used in the making of red blood cells and beneficial for the development of the fetus in pregnancy.

Good for kidney

Chikoo is diuretic in nature. Diuretic properties of chikoo or sapodilla make it beneficial and important for maintaining a healthy kidney. Regular intakes of chikoo are good in eliminating waste or toxic products from the body by proper urination. Moreover, chikoo is helpful when it comes to dissolving kidney stones.

Can chikoo prevent Constipation problems?

The high fiber content in chikoo makes it an effective choice to deal with constipation and other digestive issues. It is known as an excellent bulk laxative due to its rich amount of dietary fiber. Eat chikoo with a small pinch of black salt daily, can relieve you from constipation.

Chikoo Fruit

Amazing Skin Benefit of Sapodilla / Chikoo

Chikoo is loaded with essential vitamins like Vitamin A Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin B complex all these vitamins and antioxidants makes chikoo perfect for maintaining a healthy, youthful complexion. Vitamin E present in this fruit helps moisturize the skin giving it a radiant glow while antioxidants in chikoo can protect you against signs of aging.

Side effects of Too Much Over-Eating Chikoo

Need to be very careful while eating this fruit take out its seeds as it might be stuck in your throat, it is better to take out its seeds before eating.

Always consume this fruit when it is fully ripe because unripe sapodilla can cause mouth ulcers, irritation and inflammation in the throat causing breathing difficulties.


Chikoo is extremely nutritious and healthy. But too much eating of this fruit may not be so great for your health. Food or Fruit is good for health only when consumed in moderation. We need to take care of the amount we eat.

Just like deficiency of anything causes health issues to us, excess of anything also shows it’s side effects on human health. That’s why we should always watch and balance our intakes of everything.


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